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Hi, I’m Petteri!

Engineering manager with over 20 years of IT experience.

I’ve lead teams and developed apps and backends for iOS, Android, Mac, and web.

Currently I’m leading teams developing mobile solutions for retail at SOK.


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app screenshot

SpellbookMaster app icon

Spells at your fingertips. SpellbookMaster for iOS makes it easy to find spells fast and see detailed information for spells. You can browse spells by name, class, level and domain. To get you started, SpellbookMaster can automatically import d20 and Pathfinder System Reference spells.

$3.99 from the App Store. Requires iOS 13.0 or later.

Open Source Projects

Mobile SDK Comparison

Comparison of the developer experience of mobile SDKs offering declarative UI. I compared SwiftUI, React Native and Flutter.

SwiftUI State Time Travel

Proof of concept of doing state time travel in SwiftUI with value types.

Next Up

Mac app for planning what you should do next based on your calendar events for the next two weeks.